Following Solaris Offgrid and Paygee recent joint announcement during GOGLA Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo 2020, PaygOps and Paygee Management Platforms have decided to partner to offer distributors greater interoperability with the will to better support them scale their off-grid operations.
Thus PaygOps and Paygee are, as of today, mutually compatible. This allows PaygOps Management Platform to support brands enabled by the Paygee Access technology. Solaris Offgrid is thus delighted to announce its ability to support distributors of the following brands: SolarRun, Sunny Irrigation, PayJoy, Koolboks, Lorentz, Niwa, Aion Energy, Mobisol, Cello Solar TV.

About Solaris Offgrid :
Solaris Offgrid supports distributors of essential services to build strong customer traction and greater relations with investors through flexible and inclusive Paygo solutions, designed for last-mile operations. Adopting a bottom up approach in the design of its solutions and creating synergies with a strong network of partners to solve last-mile challenges, the company has already deployed Paygo solutions in more than 30 countries through PaygOps, Solaris Offgrid in-house software solution built “In the Field, for the Field” and its product development services. Leading reference in the off-grid solar market, PaygOps, is engineered to deliver modular and interoperable solutions to address off-grid energy access challenges and distribution complexity. For more information on PaygOps, please contact